‘Shroom Identification Walk Adult Class August Class


Join Palmer Folk School for a Mushroom Identification Walk.

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This Foraging Walk is scheduled for August 26th at 2 pm. As we get closer to the date we’ll send an email with the class location. We do this because it helps us keep our location flexible for the best mushrooms we can find. This is an adults only class.

Late Summer is the PERFECT time to go Mushroom Hunting! Our Master Forager Michele will take you on a ‘shroom adventure through the woods. You’ll seek out mushrooms of all kinds and work on identifying them.

We will not be ingesting mushrooms on this walk or collecting them, we’re simply looking at them and identifying them.

Please remember that you should positively identify any mushrooms before ingesting it. Do your research and confirm what you’re going to eat. Find a foraging mentor if you can.

After ALL your research only taste one small bite and wait to see what happens. There are many mushrooms out in the wild and they can be confusing look-alikes to many varieties!

Please do not bring dogs on this foraging walk, they are not the best foraging partners.


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